Job Information
Urbandale Community School District UHS Student Senate Co-Sponsor in Urbandale, Iowa
Job Details
Job ID: 4901232
Job Description
UHS Student Senate Sponsor
PURPOSE OF THE POSITION: Provide guidance and support to UHS Student Senate in conjunction with other co-sponsor to provide leadership to many student events and experiences at UHS. Engages in professional growth and fulfills professional responsibilities.
PAYMENT: Stipend per UEA contract. See UCSD Human Resources for more details.
Student Senate Members and Meetings
Coordinate with the student senate leadership to set the biweekly agendas for student senate board meetings
Meet with students individually to coach and promote growth of their leadership skills
Coordinate with the student senate leadership for biweekly work sessions
Other Duties and Responsibilities
Oversee the flow of money within the student senate budget for above events
Coordinate with clubs and activities in the building for Student Senate “Funding U” grants
Coordinate with clubs and activities regarding promotion of their events on social media
Oversee the social media platform(s) utilized by Student Senate
Senior Sunrise
Coordinate a early morning event to celebrate the start of our seniors last year of school at the UMS football field
Be present to ensure supervision of their gathering
Coordinate coffee, donuts, and hot cocoa for the event
Homecoming Week
Homecoming Pep Assembly
Coordinate between the bands, choirs, and student clubs/activities for performances at the pep assembly
Coordinate a school-wide game for during the assembly
Coordinate with activities office for use of the sound system at the assembly
Coordinate with UHS office staff/administration for modified bell schedule
Coordinate with families of homecoming court to be in attendance, if desired
Coordinate the dance numbers of the homecoming court
Facilitate the Pep Assembly on Friday of homecoming week
Homecoming Court
Coordinate and execute the election process for the homecoming court
Plan and execute the announcement of the homecoming court and celebration
Coordinate the photo-op for the homecoming court and send pictures to AO for publication in both district and community news
Coordinate the homecoming court for the Homecoming Parade in the community
Coordinate the purchase of homecoming court items (tiaras, sashes, and flowers) for at the homecoming football game
Write the script for the reading at the homecoming football game to be read aloud
Coordinate with families of the court to be present at the football game
Meet homecoming court and families at the football game to prepare them for presentation at the game
Homecoming Parade
Work with the City of Urbandale to obtain permits and route for the homecoming parade
Coordinate within the community vehicles to transport the homecoming court during the parade
Communicate and coordinate with all UCSD elementaries and middle schools for participation in the parade
Communicate and coordinate with any interested UCSD-related clubs/activities for participation in the parade
Purchase and disseminate candy for the parade
Place signs throughout the community for the parade
Create social media communication for the parade
Coordinate with Urbandale Police for helping to facilitate the parade
Homecoming Street Party
Work with the city of Urbandale to obtain permits and layout for the street party
Work with the Fire Marshal the day of to ensure compliance of all safety rules
Hire a DJ to perform at the event with family-friendly tunes
Coordinate with student groups at UHS and UHS alumni for their stations at the event
Plan, purchase, and prepare games to be used at the street party
Purchase prizes for all stations at the street party
Rent and coordinate the rental of jumpers/inflatables for the street party
Coordinate with food trucks to help serve items at the street party
Coordinate with UHS post prom committee to support our future graduates
Coordinate with UHS building/grounds teams to secure a cleared parking lot for the street party in the afternoon on the day of the event
Communicate with all chaperones the expectations for the evening
Homecoming Dance
Coordinate with activities office the date and time of the homecoming dance
Hire a DJ to work the dance with student-friendly tunes
Coordinate with the UHS Student Senate for the theme of the dance
Support UHS Student senate in the planning and preparing of decor for the dance
Coordinate and collect all guest forms from non-UHS students
Coordinate with the activities office for the digital sales of tickets for the dance
Facilitate the execution of the dance on Saturday evening
Communicate with all chaperones the expectations for the evening
Create behavior expectations for students prior to the dance
Respond/communicate with parents regarding the dance/details
Coordinate with special education teachers to ensure an inclusive event
Other Random Events
Coordinate with students the planning and announcement of homecoming week decor activities
Coordinate with the office staff for disseminating this information at UHS, UMS, elementary schools, and the broader UCSD community
Winter Formal
Coordinate with activities office the date and time of the winter formal dance
Hire a DJ to work the dance with student-friendly tunes
Coordinate with the UHS Student Senate for the theme of the dance
Support UHS Student senate in the planning and preparing of decor for the dance
Coordinate and collect all guest forms from non-UHS students
Coordinate with the activities office for the digital sales of tickets for the dance
Facilitate the execution of the dance on Saturday evening
Communicate with all chaperones the expectations for the evening
Create behavior expectations for students prior to the dance
Respond/communicate with parents regarding the dance/details
Coordinate with special education teachers to ensure an inclusive event
Coordinate with activities office the date and time of the Prom dance
Reserve a venue to accommodate at least 600 students in our community
Hire a DJ to work the dance with student-friendly tunes
Coordinate with the UHS Student Senate for the theme of the dance
Support UHS Student senate in the planning and preparing of decor for the dance
Coordinate and collect all guest forms from non-UHS students
Coordinate with the activities office for the digital sales of tickets for the dance
Facilitate the execution of the dance on Saturday evening
Communicate with all chaperones the expectations for the evening
Create behavior expectations for students prior to the dance
Respond/communicate with parents regarding the dance/details
Coordinate with special education teachers to ensure an inclusive event
Teacher Appreciation Week
Plan with student senate the celebration of teachers at UHS
Coordinate with students to gather items to celebrate staff in many roles at UHS - snacks, materials, thank you notes, etc.
Organize a collection of lunch orders for 140+ staff members at UHS
Graduation Rehearsal, Senior BBQ, and Graduation
Facilitate the election of student speakers for at graduation
Coordinate with the student speakers for their speech at graduation
Reserve the Lion’s Park Shelter for Senior BBQ
Hire a catering service for the BBQ event for all seniors
Coordinate graduation rehearsal for the graduating seniors
Attend graduation in the role of supervising students and coordinating their arrival/lining up for graduation
Support the dissemination of diplomas at graduation
No student enrolled in the Urbandale Community School District shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in the District's programs on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, religion, marital status (for program), ethnic background, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, age (for employment) or socio-economic background (for program). The policy of the District shall be to provide educational programs and opportunities for students as needed on the basis of individual interests, values, abilities and potential. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. If you have questions or a grievance related to this policy please contact the district office at 11152 Aurora Ave, Urbandale, IA or call 515.457.5000. The district's Equity Coordinator is Ms. Stephanie Davis, daviss@urbandaleschools.com.
Position Type: Part-time
Positions Available: 1
Equal Opportunity Employer
All employers submitting a job opening for posting on the Teach Iowa system will not discriminate in hiring on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, age, physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, marital status, or status as a veteran. A bona fide religious institution may choose to exercise the allowances in Iowa Code section 216.6.(6)d. Employers may have additional developed specific equal employment opportunity policies and procedures; please check with employers.