Job Information
EMPLOYMENT SECURITY DEPT Farmworker and 960 workers needed, Pasco, Kennewick, Hermiston, WA in OLYMPIA, Washington
This job opportunity is limited to qualified, available workers that are currently eligible to work in the United States, per federal regulation.
Esta oportunidad de trabajo está limitada a trabajadores calificados y disponibles que actualmente son elegibles para trabajar en los Estados Unidos, según la regulación federal.
Work Tasks to be performed
· Planting Trees: Taking young trees and planting them into the ground.
· Painting Tree Trunks: Using cloth glove and applying paint to trunks of the trees to protect against herbicide or winter injury.
· Tree Training: Securing the tree and side limbs to the Orchard Trellis System using black tape or green tie tape, in this situation ladder work may be required.
· Orchard Trellis Install: Erecting trellis poles throughout the blocks and securing trellis wire to them using a ladder, hammer, and staples.
· Summer Pruning: Using pruning shears to remove unwanted competing or shading limbs of the trees.
· Mylar Install / Cleanup: Rolling out a reflective material on the orchard floor to help with fruit coloring. Taking the sued material out of the blocks post-Harvest.
· Hand Thinning Apples - Removing unwanted fruit from trees with too many Apples. Requires pinching off the Apples using your fingers, in this situation ladder work may be required.
· Picking Apples: Carefully picking Apples from the trees and placing them into a bin, without damaging the fruit. Color picking may be required, as well the use of a ladder and picking bag to help facilitate the job.
· Cooling System Install: Hanging poly hose from the top trellis wire down each row in select blocks. Ladder work is required.
· General Clean Up: Cleaning up garbage or weeds around the farm as needed.
Tareas Específicas en el Trabajo
· Plantar árboles: tomar árboles jóvenes y plantarlos en el suelo.
· Pintar troncos de árboles: usar guantes de tela y aplicar pintura a los troncos de los árboles para protegerlos contra herbicidas o daños invernales.
· Capacitación del árbol: Asegure el árbol y las ramas laterales al sistema Orchard Trellis usando cinta negra o cinta de amarre verde; en esta situación, es posible que sea necesario trabajar con escaleras.
· Instalación del enrejado del huerto: erigir postes de enrejado a lo largo de los bloques y asegurarles el alambre del enrejado con una escalera, un martillo y grapas.
· Poda de verano: Usar tijeras de podar para eliminar las ramas de los árboles que compiten o dan sombra no deseadas.
Instalación/limpieza de Mylar: Extienda un material reflectante en el piso del huerto para ayudar con la coloración de la fruta. Sacar el material demandado de los bloques post-Cosecha.