Job Information
Law Office of Saverio Lo Monaco Law Clerk in Jackson Heights, New York
Assist supervising attorney with court/trial preparation, including researchingand obtaining necessary documents/evidence from a variety of sources andcompiling them in an organized manner to facilitate efficient retrieval;Drafting Family-Based immigration cover letters and Exhibit Lists forsupervising attorney’s review; Drafting legal memoranda, conductingthorough legal research, and preparing pleadings; Outlining briefs specificallyfor asylum applications; Completing USCIS Forms and applications;Developing pro se materials to aid clients in self-representation; Draftingcomprehensive country conditions reports for inclusion in asylumapplications; Developing materials for supervising attorney in representationof U visa or VAWA clients; Collecting pertinent information during clients’intakes; Conducting the Quality Review of the immigration packages beforefiling with the USCIS or Immigration Courts; Drafting RFE, NOID, NOIRresponses for the attorney to review and finalize; Ensure that all proceduresand model forms are contained within the relevant set of Court rules;Prepare bundles of legal documents and other legal materials in a mannerthat is acceptable to courts at any stage in the process. Salary range: $62500to $65000. Email resume to LOMONACO.ESQ@GMAIL.COM.”
Minimum Salary: 62500 Maximum Salary: 65000 Salary Unit: Yearly