Job Information
Connie Ann Brown In Home Caregiver in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania
I have a need for an in home caregiver for a husband and wife in need of care. Husband is disabled with Parkinson's disease, wife has serious mobility issues and dementia confusion.
Clients have and require 24/7 care. I have a team of caregivers in place, but I am in need of a few caregivers to fill in for current caregivers when current caregivers are unavailable. This could lead into a full time position if need arises and candidate is willing to work more hours.
Currently the times I need help would mostly be weekends, day or night, but some during the week needs arise also.
This is not an under the table paying job. You would receive a direct deposit check with legal deductions for your work. I pay every two weeks.
Job location is within three miles of Huntingdon.
General Duties
- You must be at the house and ready to do your shift on time, and you must stay until the next caregiver arrives.
- Do not leave either one of them at home alone.
- Attempt to create a positive and joyful atmosphere.
- Overall supervision and awareness of both husband and wife at all times.
- Give them their space but make sure they are safe.
- Prepare meals -- breakfast, lunch, and supper -- clean up afterward. Run and empty the dishwasher as needed.
- Light house cleaning -- vacuum, dust, mop as needed at least once per week.
- Make beds. Washing and drying clothes, putting clothes away, changing bed sheets.
- Making a grocery list --
- Make sure dogs are fed and left out.
Take garbage can to the end of the driveway Monday Night.