Jobs for People with MS: National MS Society

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Job Information

Topcon Positioning Systems, Inc Schüler-/Studentenpraktikum (m/w/d) in Geisenheim, Germany

Topcon Electronics is one of the global market leaders in the development and production of operator consoles for mobile machinery. From our company headquarters in Geisenheim, Rheingau (near Wiesbaden/Frankfurt), we and a team of 150 employees develop, produce and distribute our operator consoles. Topcon Electronics stands for the highest quality standards and customer-oriented product functionality. Our company is distinguished by multiple certifications with respect to quality and environmental awareness as well as high standards in occupational safety. Since the end of 2014, Topcon Electronics has been part of the Topcon Positioning Group, the world’s leading manufacturer of GNSS systems for construction, agricultural machinery and surveying. Topcon Positioning Group is headquartered in Livermore, California USA.

Topcon Electronics bietet die Möglichkeit für Schülerpraktika im Rahmen der Berufsorientierung. Die Praktika sind in folgenden Bereichen möglich:

  • Industriekaufleute

  • Fachinformatiker Anwendungsentwicklung

  • Fachinformatiker Systemintegration

  • Elektroniker für Geräte und Systeme

Für die Bewerbung benötigen wir ein Anschreiben (inkl. der Angabe zum Zeitraum und gewünschten Bereich), Lebenslauf und ein aktuelles Schulzeugnis.

We are Topcon ( . We collaborate, create and distribute disruptive technologies that help businesses flourish through improved processes, machine automation and data services.

We design and manufacture productivity tools for building a better future. Whether cultivating the earth or building upon it, Topcon brings innovation in workflow automation and seamless connectivity of data to infrastructure and agriculture industries with a focus on developing a sustainable tomorrow.

Learn more here ( .
