Job Information
Maine Employer Farm Laborer in Caribou, Maine
This job was posted by https://joblink.maine.gov : For more information, please see: https://joblink.maine.gov/jobs/1174129
OMB Approval: 1205-0466 Expiration Date:
H-2A Agricultural Clearance Order Form ETA-790A
U.S. Departmen
t of Labor
H-2A Case Number: ____________________ Case Status: __________________ Determination Date: _____________ Validity Period: _____________ to _____________
A. Job Offer Information
1. Job Title *
2. Workers Needed *
a. Total b. H-2A Workers Period of Intended Employment
3. First Date * 4. Last Date * 5. Will this job generally require the worker to be on-call 24 hours a day and 7 days a week? *
If Yes, proceed to question 8. If No, complete questions 6 and 7 below. ? Yes ? No
6. Anticipated days and hours of work per week (an entry is required for each box below) * 7. Hourly Work Schedule *
a. Total Hours c. Monday e. Wednesday g. Friday a. ____ : ____? AM ? PM
b. Sunday d. Tuesday f. Thursday h. Saturday b. ____ : ____? AM ? PM
Temporary Agricultural Services and Wage Offer Information 8a. Job Duties - Description of the specific services or labor to be performed. *
(Please begin response on this form and use Addendum C if additional space is needed.)
8b. Wage Offer *
\$ _____ .___
8c. Per *
8d. Piece Rate Offer
\$ ______.___
8e. Piece Rate Units / Estimated Hourly Rate / Special Pay Information
9. Is a completed Addendum A providing additional information on the crops or agricultural activities to be performed and wage offers attached to this job offer? *
? Yes ? N/A
10. Frequency of Pay: * ?Weekly ? Biweekly ? Other (specify): ___________________________________
11. State all deduction(s) from pay and, if known, the amount(s). * (Please begin response on this form and use Addendum C if additional space is needed.)
Farmworker, Laborer
20 12 4/10/2025 10/31/2025 ?
6 00
2 30 ?
Harvesting Broccoli and Cauliflower: Workers will walk behind field pack machine, bend to near ground level and cut broccoli/cauliflower with knife after determining the quality is acceptable. Broccoli/cauliflower is thrown up onto the field pack machine. Workers select heads, check quality, and bunch broccoli with a rubber band usine a pnumatic bunching machine, or cut florets from stalk (loose florets only). Also, some broccoli/cauliflower packs require no bunching and are packed directly into cases. Workers stack boxes on pallets. Workers may be required to safely operate tractor powered field pack units and trailers in the field and between fields. (70% of the work contract period)
Field Work: Workers will pull or hoe weeds in vegetable fields, pick rocks and throw into carts, carry and connect irrigation pipe, operate tillage, bed shaping, planting and other agricultural equipment and perform any other duties that are associated with field work and vegetable production. (30% of the work contract period)
18 83 ?
? N/A
Social Security, Federal Tax and State Tax if applicable and as required by law.
OMB Approval: 1205-0466 Expiration Date:
H-2A Agricultural Clearance Order Form ETA-790A
U.S. Department of Labor B. Minimum Job Qualifications/Requirements 1. Education: minimum U.S. diploma/degree required. * ? None ? High School/GED ? Associates ? Bachelors ? Master\'s or higher ? Other degree (JD, MD, etc.)
2. Work Experience: number of months required. *
3. Training: number of months required. * 4. Basic Job Requirements (check all that apply) ? a. Certification/license requirements ? f. Exposure to extreme temperatures ? b. Drive requirements ? g. Extensive pushing or pulling ? c. Criminal background check ? h. Extensive sitting or walking ? d. Drug screen ? i. Frequent stooping or bending over ? e. Lifting requirement ________ lbs. ? j. Repetitive movements
5a. Supervision: does this position supervise the work of other employees? * ? Yes ? No 5b. If Yes to question 5a, enter the number
of employees worker will su